Our Facilities
We believe you can really get a feel for a play by having a look around so please do contact us and our management team would be happy to arrange a look around our setting.
Baby Room One

We have two baby rooms allowing us to split our babies into more focused groups. In Baby one the areas reflect the interests and learning needs of our babies. We have a strong focus on sensory exploration. The babies love our black and white area where they can get cosy and explore the heuristic baskets. We also have a sensory bubble tube and lights for a stimulating sensory play. We understand gross motor skills are developing at this stage and we try to provide opportunities for this, a great piece of furniture is our stairs and ramp where the babies can practice the these skills in a much safer controlled manner. We believe sand is great material for all children to play with, you will find it in every room. In baby one there is an open sandpit babies can crawl straight into, here the babies can explore the sensory feel of the sand as well as hide and seek with toys, filling and tipping. We provide lots of opportunities for messy play and getting creative, which is why we don't advise sending your children in anything you aren't prepared to get dirty. Painting, playdough and water play are just a few of the activities our babies enjoy during their time at nursery. Singing and reading is also a very important part of every day.
Our routine in baby room is flexible as we like to work with parents to mirror sleep and feeding times to babies' home routines, we also do understand that routines can change over time and so we adapt alongside your baby as they grow and routines change. Through Tapestry you will receive a daily diary informing you what your baby has been doing during their time at nursery. Over the years Tapestry forms a beautiful reminder of your child's time at nursery.
Parents are kept informed through our monthly newsletter, detailing any upcoming events, current topics, ect. We have an open door policy and as such parents are always welcome to come talk to us and we welcome fresh ideas and feedback.
Baby Room Two
As your baby begins to toddle around and become more independent they will spend time in Baby Two. In here there is still a strong emphasis on sensory exploration with our cosy sensory den and heuristic materials. The tuff tray regularly changes to reflect the the babies learning and topics. Mark making is encouraged in the art area as well as accessible craft resources. As babies are exploring and observing the world around them we understand their love for the home corner, here they begin to mimic what they see going on around them.

In Toddlers we understand two year olds are going through a rapid stage of brain development and so we provide a prepared creative and stimulating environment. At this stage the children have significant growth in their vocabulary and communication skills, they begin to understand social interactions and begin to show more independence. Toddler room is set up each day to encourage exploration and development, appropriate to the children. We have lots of child led activities and throughout the room there are invitations to play. The home corner is great for roleplaying every day scenarios, it boosts imagination, language, and social skills. It helps the children express emotions, develop cognitive abilities, and feel comfortable in a familiar setting. Other areas include a sandpit, construction area and small world. These opportunities for structured and unstructured play help to build cognitive and motor skills.
In pre-school we begin to prepare your child for school with a maximum emphasis on ''it's fun to learn'' in everything we do. Here we begin to introduce the Letters & Sounds Phase One, some of these activities include, sound walks, drum outdoors, sound lotto, Mrs Browning has a box and much more. Through a prepared environment we provide activities designed to encourage each child's next steps and development. A simple activity like playdough has so many benefits to your child's development including developing fine motor skills through moulding, squishing and rolling that helps to strengthen the small muscles in children's hands and fingers which are essential for writing and other fine motor skills. Staff also encourage children's literacy and numeracy, as our children follow the playdough recipe they are introduced to basic maths skills like measuring and counting. Other creative activities are always available to encourage the children to mark make in various ways, we understand that engaging in creative activities can help improve children's concentration and focus as they become absorbed in their creative activities.
Pre-school start each day at 9am with circle time, this repetitive routine includes their day of the week song, sung with makaton actions, a days of the week song and discussions about their weekly focus covering shape, story and makaton sign. This circle time aids in preparing children for school as they learn essential social skills like taking turns, sharing, cooperating with peers. It also fosters a sense of community and belonging. Language and listening skills are developed as the children take part in discussions, singing songs and listening to stories. The activities during circle time such as counting , identifying shapes, and discussing the weather, support cognitive skills and early learning concepts.
Other daily activities include music and movement, outdoor play and a science experiment. There is lots of free play with opportunities for focused activities, of which are pre planned and catered to the children in that day and their learning needs. Learning is fun and it flows with everything the children do.

Outdoor Areas
Each of our rooms has easy access to their own outside gardens. We believe it is important to children's development to spend time outside every day and so we go out to play in all weather, which is why we recommend appropriate outdoor clothing. We have various sheltered areas including the play house and our own soft play which is greatly loved by all the children.
In the outdoor spaces, staff encourage physical activities that help develop children’s gross and fine motor skills. They provide opportunities for running, jumping, and climbing, which enhance strength, balance, and coordination. Additionally, staff introduce toys and games that require hand-eye coordination, such as balls, hoops, and building blocks, to further refine fine motor skills. Through these activities, children gain confidence in their physical abilities and enjoy the benefits of active play.
47a Mannorfield Drive,
01924 275690